Definition: Ecstasy is a stimulant drug made from different chemicals. It is also known as MDMA (MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine).
Ecstasy is often “cut” with other substances to dilute it and make it go further.
Because it is made from a range of different chemicals, ecstasy is often a stimulant and a hallucinogen.
As a stimulant drug, ecstasy speeds up the body’s functions. As a hallucinogen, ecstasy can cause the user to see, hear, feel, smell or experience things that do not exist.
Ecstasy usually comes in the form of small tablets, but can can also come in a powder form.
Other nicknames for ecstasy include: e, eccy, pills, pingers, molly.
Effects: The list of effects on this website are not definitive or exhaustive.
The effects of ecstasy can include:
Drug use can have a range of social consequences and can have impact not only on an individual, but also their relationships and their work or study. Drug use can cause financial issues, family problems and can also have legal consequences.
If you are concerned about your own or another person’s drug use we encourage you to seek professional help and assistance.
There are always risks associated with drug use. No use at all is the safest option.
If you suspect an overdose call triple zero (000) immediately.
In an emergency or crisis situation always call triple zero (000) for police, fire and ambulance and follow instructions.