In an emergency or crisis situation always call triple zero (000) for police, fire and ambulance and follow instructions.
1300 031 131
This intake line provides information and referral for all Drug Health treatment services.
An alcohol and drug search directory. The ADF features a range of resources about drugs, alcohol and reducing risk.
1800 250 015
24 hour telephone line service provides information about alcohol and other drugs and related concerns, advice and referral services.
02 8382 1006
Free telephone advisory service for health professionals only.
1800 642 428
Provides opioid pharmacotherapy information, referrals, advice and a forum for pharmacotherapy concerns.
13 11 26
Provides up-to-date evidence based information regarding the risk assessment, management and treatment of human poisoning.
1800 101 188 / 02 8382 1088
A 24/7 NSW state-wide telephone service.
Information and resources about alcohol and other drugs.
An online directory of alcohol and other drugs support, health and welfare services.
1300 374 837
Education, information, one-off and ongoing support for truck drivers and their families.
1300 222 222
Support groups for people in recovery from alcohol addition.
(02) 8622 0463
Free and confidential service for people aged over 18 years old, who have current and/or recent moderate to severe drug and/or alcohol use along with other complex needs.
1800 422 599 (Regional) / 02 8382 1000 (Metropolitan)
Confidential, 24 hour service providing online and text based drug and alcohol counselling and referral.
1300 656 800
Drug ARM offers a range of programs and services that include education, outreach, prevention and treatment.
1300 368 186
This 24 hour telephone support line is for families affected by drugs and alcohol and also provides education and referral, and facilitates support groups across Australia.
1300 806 258
Free telephone-based health coaching which can help provide support and motivation to reach healthy lifestyle goals.
1300 652 820
Support groups for people in recovery from narcotic drug addictions.
1800 397 739
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation detox, rehabilitation and after care programs, including parents and children program.
0436 814 995
Free, safe and confidential drug and alcohol services for young people aged 12-25 years. Part of the South Western Sydney Local Health District's Drug Health Services.
02 9727 0477
Drug and Alcohol program helps young people aged 12-24 years living in the Fairfield and Liverpool Local Government Areas.
Campbelltown: 02 4627 9089
A free service for young people experiencing co-existing AOD and mental health issues.
02 4621 7422
Provides free counselling to youth and young adults aged 12-24 years who are facing issues with drugs and alcohol, gambling or general life concerns.
1800 151 045 (toll-free) | 02 8785 8000
Free counselling services for young people aged 10-25 years for AOD, stress, mental health, trauma, grief, as well as family and relationship issues.
02 9977 0711
Provides counselling and support for people aged 12–25 years with problematic drug use and their families.
1800 864 846
Program based in Campbelltown for youth aged 12-25 years with concerns relating to alcohol and other drug use.
02 9721 5714
Helps young people aged 13-19 who want to take control of their drug use.
To assist you in being able to access your nearest NSP outlet an interactive map has been developed that contains every public NSP outlet across NSW. The map includes staffed NSPs where you can access advice, information and referral as well as machines and chutes.
Naloxone is a short-acting opioid antagonist medicine that reverses the effects of opioid overdose. NSW Health delivers a Take Home Naloxone Program to reduce mortality and morbidity among people in NSW who use opioid drugs or medicines.
Find a pharmacy providing safe methods of disposal and clean injecting equipment for individuals who use sharps.
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Whether you're looking to partner with us to deliver services, make a donation, put your name down as a supporter, sponsor us or attend one of our fundraising events, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and support Youth Solutions!