In an emergency or crisis situation always call triple zero (000) for police, fire and ambulance and follow instructions.
SWSLHD Youth Health Services are multidisciplinary primary health care services for marginalised and at risk young people. This includes young people 12 to 24 years who are living, working and/or attending schools within the SWSLHD boundaries.
Youth Health Services are committed to providing where possible, holistic services which are flexible, affordable, relevant and responsive.
All services offered are confidential and free of charge.
No Medicare card is required and we can assist you to apply for a card.
02 9796 8633
A multidisciplinary primary healthcare service that aims to improve the health status and reduce the health disadvantage of marginalised and at-risk young people.
02 8717 1717
Provides services and support to young people aged 12-24, who are marginalised or at risk. Support includes case management, counselling, sexual health and needle and syringe exchange programs. Mental health support services are also available.
02 4633 0880
A free and confidential service for young people aged 12-24 who live in the Macarthur area. Youth health services include counselling, health education and needle and syringe exchange program.
Ask for Health is a health information website created for young people by young people, in partnership with Youth Action and the NSW Ministry of Health. Ask for Health contains information on the health topics young people in NSW are passionate about and provides avenues to support and medical services that suit their needs.
Get involved
Whether you're looking to partner with us to deliver services, make a donation, put your name down as a supporter, sponsor us or attend one of our fundraising events, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and support Youth Solutions!