Youth Solutions has partnered with Wests Group Macarthur to develop Sports AWARE – a drug and alcohol harm prevention and health promotion project for sporting clubs.
The project’s development, thanks to support and funding from Wests Group Macarthur, builds on Youth Solutions’ foundational work with local Macarthur and Wingecarribee sporting clubs, addressing the need for health and wellbeing projects that support local young sportspeople.
Sports AWARE is a multifaceted Youth Solutions’ project for local sporting clubs that includes:
Sports AWARE aims to prevent young sportspeople from experiencing drug and alcohol related harm by:
Through the Sports AWARE workshops, young sportspeople will learn about:
Through Sports AWARE, your players will gain skills in:
These workshops for young players are complemented by community outreach activities at local sports game days or training sessions as well as the implementation of information sessions for coaching/management staff, parents and carers that aim to increase the knowledge and skills of those supporting young sportspeople.
We have created a guide with information and resources to help you to support young sportspeople with alcohol and drugs, and overall wellbeing concerns.
Download nowInterested in booking Sports AWARE or want more information about the project? Contact Youth Solutions’ Manager Programs Sam Young: | 02 4628 2319
Book nowYouth Solutions is funded by NSW Health | South Western Sydney Local Health District.
Sports AWARE is kindly supported and funded by Wests Group Macarthur. Youth Solutions thanks Wests Group Macarthur for partnering with us to develop and deliver this exciting and much-needed project.